vrijdag 29 april 2011

First Finished Models (Paladins)

Well finished...... Ok I need to do some minor details such as the writing on the parchments and the heiraldry on their shields, but their as good as done. I am really happy how they came out. I find the red just at the right tone and although I do not have a picture with the blades in focus, I am really happy how they turned out. The shining blue really emphasises the nemesis force blades. Any comments on the paint job are always welcome!

My next project is gonna be a Brotherhood Champion, but it may take a while as I just received a batch of miniatures from Wyrd. I just started out playing the game Mallifaux (the game that uses the Wyrd Miniatures) with a group of friends. It seems interesting enough and the models look great. I chose the faction: Freikorps (ofcourse not in any way related to an unspecified german army)These finely detailed models may lead my astray from my GK project. But not to worry, any painted models (or WIP) will be added to this blog nontheless.


P.S. Special thanks to Dennis de Vries for providing the pictures :D

1 opmerking:

  1. Top notch! Really like how the basing came out. Would have loved to see a top-down view though!
